Tyme - All Features

Below you find a complete feature set of Tyme. If you have any questions or think there is a feature that would make Tyme even better, drop us a mail.


  • Mac (10.15 Catalina, 11 Big Sur, 12 Monterey, 13 Ventura, 14 Sonoma, 15 Sequoia)
  • iPhone & iPad (iOS 15, 16, 17, 18)
  • Apple Watch (watchOS 9, 10, 11)

Project & Tasks:

  • Starting date
  • Due date
  • Individual colors
  • Hourly rates
  • Planned time
  • Planned budget
  • Use categories to group projects
  • Time rounding options
  • Billable / Non-billable
  • Notes
  • Sub-tasks
  • Project archive

Color Coding:

  • Select from a predefined set of 8 colors
  • Choose custom colors
  • Color coding is reflected in the entire interface

Time Tracking:

  • Start Timers
  • Stop Timers
  • Adjust running Timers
  • Assign timers to new tasks
  • Slot Tracking Mode: Individual time entries with start- and end times
  • Cluster Tracking Mode: One time entry per task & day. Only duration is tracked
  • Automatic time-out if you don't use your Mac

Automatic time tracking via your location:

  • Up to 20 work locations (Geofences)
  • Minimum stay duration
  • Starts timer when entering a location
  • Stops timer when leaving a location
  • Reverse Mode: Start timer when leaving a location

Expense, Fixed Cost and Flat Rate Tracking:

  • Create expenses, fixed costs and flat rates
  • Arrange them in groups

Mileage Tracking:

  • Automatically track travel times
  • Define Kilometer / Mile rates


  • Visualization of planned time per project
  • Visualization of available time

Time Sheets & Reports:

  • Customizable PDF time sheets
  • CSV & JSON export
  • PDF Export
  • Live preview
  • Customize header
  • Customize footer
  • Portrait & landscape format

Statistics & Insights:

  • Worked hours per day
  • Worked hours per day per team member
  • Workload per day
  • Distribution of hours in projects
  • Average working hours
  • Breaks
  • Overtime / Undertime
  • Non billable times
  • Trips / Travel times
  • Custom date ranges


  • Recorded times can be synced with a calendar
  • Calendar entries can be modified and re-arranged and sync back


  • All data syncs with all your devices using iCloud
  • All team data syncs to your team and all devices using our team server

Backup & Undo:

  • Undo & Redo all actions (Create, Modify, Delete)
  • Undo also available for the iPhone & iPad app
  • Automatic backups of all data each day
  • Restore from backups


  • Deadlines
  • Budget
  • Planned hours
  • Start tracking
  • Stop working
  • Unbooked times
  • Take breaks
  • Lunch break

Global Keyboard Shortcuts:

  • Start & Stop timers from any application
  • Edit & Add notes for running timers from any application

Siri Shortcuts:

  • Add notes to running timers
  • Start timers
  • Stop timers
  • Get working times of today, this week or this month

Watch App:

  • Start & Stop timers
  • Complications
  • Today, Week, Month Working Times
  • Independent of iPhone app


  • Today Widget
  • This Week Widget
  • This Month Widget


  • Import from previous versions (Tyme 1 & 2)
  • Import from Tyme 3 backups
  • Import from CSV files
  • Import from Timings
  • Import from mite
  • Import from toggl
  • Import from Clockify


  • Export to lexoffice
  • Export to GrandTotal
  • Export to sevdesk
  • Export to Billomat


JavaScript interface for plugins to export and import data


  • Automatic Sync of time entries and billing states to GrandTotal


  • Supports over 20 different Shortcuts for Apples Shortcut app and additional Shortcut Hooks
  • Fully scriptable via AppleScript

Team Administration

  • Create and manage users
  • Roles: Admin & users
  • Assign users to projects & tasks


  • Light & Dark Mode
  • Simultaneous or single timers
  • Launch Tyme at login
  • Ignore short time entries
  • Menubar: Running time, daily total, current task
  • Idle timeout
  • Show note dialog when starting or stopping timers
  • Time format: Hours, decimal or working days
  • Currency for all projects
  • Flexible working times