You know it: The first meeting is already on, the deadline is too tight and a missed doctor's appointment - that's how the last week went? Tyme can help you take a relaxed approach to your day.
Morning at 08:00, Siri: "Good morning darling, it's 15 degrees and sunny today. You have three appointments. The first is "lunch walk" at 12:30, you don't have a deadline this week."
That would be top? The Daily Kick-Off shortcut in our shortcut gallery announces the weather, your appointments today, and upcoming Tyme deadlines.
And to make sure running the shortcut on your Mac doesn't become another To Do on your long list, we've created an app for that - Shortery does it for you automatically!
When you add a shortcut to the Shortery app, it will automatically run when a specific event occurs, such as a time, launching an app, logging in and out of your Mac, and more.
Have fun trying it out, Shortery is free!