Do you sometimes have too much on your plate? Or do you take too few breaks? According to the "Arbeitszeitgesetz" (ArbZG) and the ruling of the European Court of Justice (CJEU) from 2019, these laws are intended to protect you and the health and safety of staff.
To this end, employers are required to electronically document their team's working hours, overtime and breaks.
Tyme is therefore the perfect tool for teams and small businesses! With the 2024.11 update, documentation of daily breaks has been introduced as the final building block for legal compliance.
Tyme now automatically displays gaps between time entries as breaks.
It is possible to change or delete break entries afterwards. You can also convert them to time entries.
Breaks can also be added manually to a time entry at any time.
You can choose which time periods should be considered breaks. This way, you can avoid having short gaps (like 5 minutes) or long interruptions to your work (like over 4 hours) being logged as breaks.
You now have an overview of your daily breaks in the statistics screen. And your daily breaks also displayed in the export "PDF Timesheet (Work, Absence, Breaks)".