Automating Tyme with Shortcuts

Shortcuts are a great way to get even more out of Tyme by automating tasks or passing data to Tyme or from Tyme to other applications.

Tyme provides several shortcut actions that are added to the list of actions in the Shortcuts app when Tyme is installed on your device. Just search for Tyme to get a list of all available actions.

You can also trigger shortcuts directly from Tyme for various actions. Take a look at the Shortcut Triggers.

New to shortcuts? 🤷‍♂️
To get an overview of what you can do with the Shortcuts app, refer to the Apple Support Article or take a look at the Shortcuts User Guide.


Below you find a complete list of shortcut actions Tyme currently supports. Most actions can be chained. For example you can pass the result of the Get Projects action into the Set Project Values action to bulk edit projects.

Add Category

Let's you add a new category.

Input Parameters

Name Type
Name String


Name Type
category Category

Add Note To Running Timer

Add a note to the running timer.

Input Parameters

Name Type
note String


Name Type
timeEntry TimeEntry

Add Project

Add a new project. Optionally a category can be specified, that the project will be connected to.

Input Parameters

Name Type
name String
Alternative Parameters:
category Category
categoryID String


Name Type
project Project

Add Task

Add a new task to a project. Supports all task types (time-based, mileage and expenses). Optionally provide a parent tasks if the new task should be a sub-task or an expense.

Input Parameters

Name Type
name String
category Category
project Project
task Task
type TaskType
expenseGroupName String
projectID String


Name Type
task Task

Add Time

Add a new time entry to an existing task.

Input Parameters

Name Type
name String
category Category
project Project
task Task
from Date
to Date
taskID String


Name Type
timeEntry TimeEntry

Delete Categories, Projects or Tasks

Delete Categories, Projects or Tasks.

Input Parameters

Name Type
categories Category
projects Project
tasks Task


Name Type
Number of deleted objects Int

Delete Time Entries

Delete Time Entries.

Input Parameters

Name Type
timeEntries TimeEntry


Name Type
Number of deleted time entries Int

Get Categories

Search for categories by name or their archived state.

Input Parameters

Name Type
name String
archived Boolean
categoryID String


Name Type
categories Category

Get Projects

Search for projects.

Input Parameters

Name Type
name String
category Category
archived Boolean
dueDate Date
projectID String


Name Type
projects Project

Get Running TimeEntries

Returns all running time entries.

Input Parameters

Name Type
None -


Name Type
timeEntries TimeEntry

Get Tasks

Search for tasks.

Input Parameters

Name Type
category Category
project Project
name String
type (time, mileage, expense)
completed Boolean
billable Boolean
dueDate Date
taskID String


Name Type
tasks Task

Get Time Entries

Search for time entries.

Input Parameters

Name Type
category Category
project Project
task Task
from Date
to Date
billingState (billable, unbillable, billed, unbilled, paid)
note String
teamMember TeamMember
timeEntryID String


Name Type
timeEntries TimeEntry

Get Team Members

Returns a list of team members. Can be queried by name or email.

Input Parameters

Name Type
name String
email String


Name Type
teamMembers TeamMember

Get Today's Working Hours

Get Today's Working Hours. Returns zero for weekend or vacation days

Input Parameters

Name Type
None -


Name Type
hours Float

Set Category Values

Update details of a category.

Input Parameters

Name Type
category Category
name String
archived Bool
categoryID String


Name Type
category Category

Set Project Values

Update details of a project.

Input Parameters

Name Type
archived Boolean
name String
dueDate Date
category Category
plannedDuration Duration
plannedBudget Duration
note String
projectID String


Name Type
project Project

Set Task Values

Update details of a task.

Input Parameters

Name Type
project Project
task Task
name String
completed Boolean
dueDate Date
plannedDuration Duration
plannedBudget Duration
billable Boolean
hourlyRate Float
roundingMethod (up, down, round)
roundingMinutes Int
note String
price Float
quantity Float
kilometerRate Float
taskID Task


Name Type
task Task

Set Time Entry Values

Update details of a time entry.

Input Parameters

Name Type
timeEntry TimeEntry
startTime Date
endTime Date
note String
traveledDistance Distance


Name Type
timeEntry TimeEntry

Start Timer

Starts a new timer

Input Parameters

Name Type
category Category
project Project
task Task
taskID String


Name Type
timeEntry TimeEntry

Stop Timer

Stops all running timers

Input Parameters

Name Type
None -


Name Type
timeEntry TimeEntry

Shortcut Triggers

You can run shortcuts when certain triggers occur in Tyme. Just open the Preferences > Plugins > Shortcut Triggers and activate the ones you need. Most triggers send an input to the shortcut that you can use to process the data. For example the Started a timer trigger passes the ID of the new time entry to the shortcuts, that you can use to get details of the time entry, its task or other values by chaining your shortcut with the Get Time Entries shortcut.

Started a timer

This trigger is triggered when you start a timer. The ID of the new time entry is sent as an input to the shortcut.

Input Parameters

Name Type
timeEntryID String

Stopped a timer

This trigger is triggered when you stop a timer. The ID of the time entry is sent as an input to the shortcut.

Input Parameters

Name Type
timeEntryID String

Reached daily working hours

This trigger is triggered when you have reached your daily working hours.

Input Parameters

Name Type
None -

Project archived / de-archived

This trigger is triggered when a project is archived or un-archived.

Input Parameters

Name Type
projectID String

Task completed / uncompleted

This trigger is triggered when a task is completed or uncompleted.

Input Parameters

Name Type
taskID String



Name Type
ID String
Name String
Archived Boolean


Name Type
ID String
Category ID String
Archived Boolean
Name String
Due Date Date
Planned Time Duration
Planned Budget Currency Amount
Note String


Name Type
ID String
Category ID String
Project ID String
Task ID String
Name String
Completed Boolean
Due Date Date
Planned Time Duration
Planned Budget Currency Amount
Billable Boolean
Hourly Rate Currency Amount
Rounding Method (up, down, round)
Rounding Minutes Int
Note String
Price (Expense) Currency Amount
Quantity (Expense) Float
Kilometer Rate (Mileage) Currency Amount

Time Entry

Name Type
ID String
Task ID String
Type (timed, mileage, expense)
Exact Time Duration
Rounded Time Duration
Start Time Date
End Time Date
Note String
Revenue Currency Amount
Traveled Distance (Mileage) Distance
Price (Expense) Currency Amount
Quantity (Expense) Float
Team Member TeamMember

Team Member

Name Type
ID String
Name String
Email String